Why We Should Appreciate Everything?

 Hello people. This is my first blog not ever but after many years im not blogging and forget the password haha! So right now im gonna try to discuss about "Why We Should Appreciate Everything?" But now let answer my question "do you ever feel stressed?" "Are you mad easily?" "Do you ever feel useless?" "Do you ever feel treated unfair?" And the other bad  feeling? If yes, welcome you are not alone. Im gonna share what happened in my life and how i tried my best for my freedom of myself. 

But first let me tell you story,

My life was amazing and beautiful when i was kid till i was 20 years old. Because my mom passed away in 2016. I never think my life will be 100% change! After my mom passed away, my auntie stayed with us she helped us doing chores. After she stayed with us for 6 months i feel something different it started from my neighbour they usually say hi to me when i pass them. But that day they were like a new people. But that is ok maybe it was just because first day of my period and feel kinda drama. And the second thing change was my dad. He always had reasson for blame me for anything. I was a little bit stressed but that is ok i can handle it. Someday my cousin and her mom stayover at our house for 3 days and i heard they were talking in downstair "oh yeah i did chores by myself Malina and her sister just sleeping, eating, and playing game everyday!" And boom! I know what happened now after i know that my life been worse day by day i was crying so hard in car till my head really hurt. It was my first time i was depression. I don't know what to do, who can help me that day.  And suddenly it remind me of my mom. She had the same situation like me before with my aunty. And my question was "how can she be strong in this situation?" And i tried to remember  what she has done in her life. And the answer is "she always appreciated everything in her life even in the worst situation because this was the way she found her freedom".  She still appreciated my aunty with gift, money, and anything she can give to her but in space not so close. Her kindness saved her life. I tried to did it to my aunty, was it easy? NO. But with practice  it was getting easier. I tried to don't care about what she talked about me until she stop say anything bad about me. I appreciated what she had done and kindness started come to my life everyday.  

Is drama finished? Oh of course not yet dear 🤣. What happened the next? My dad. He treat me and my sister different with my brother. I remember he borrow my money for vehicle card it was my last money in my bank but that is ok. The days after, i asked my money back but he didn't say anything i was oh oke. And in the same day my brother asked money a lot than me and he sent it to his bank straight away i was like "how come you give him money a lot than money you borrow from me?!" Did he give my money back? Nope, my brother gave it back to me. When my brother home, my dad always asked what do you want to eat? And bought a lot of food for him. It different with me and sister he never asked me and sister are you hungry? Or are you sick? Nah never. This is the hardest part ever in my life because he is my dad but he treat us different he never appreciate everything what me and sister done everyday. It makes my emotions bad i can be mad and sad for no reasson, i used to hate to see my dad. But now im trying to appreciate him but not so close with him. Im doing what i can im not trying to make him happy everyday because it just hurt me at the end because he never appreciate me. He never say can you help me please? Or thank you or even sorry after we fought.

If you wonder how to appreciate people in life just started to do these little things: do not forget to say help, thank you, and sorry. It is simple but means a lot for some people. And do not forget to appreciate yourself it will make you happier and grateful more, and slowly the kindness come to your life. Please if you don't have anything good or kind to say, just don't say anything.

Oke people this is what i can share right now, if you have ideas or anything good you can leave a comment. Or if you wanna tell me about your story about appreciation, please leave a comment, have a nice day💞

Rose Jessica Pink 50cm - Wholesale - Blooms By The Box

